
Choice of educational pathways, job search, unemployment insurance, determinants of behaviours affecting fertility and the spacing of births


A CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow since 1999, Christian Belzil is Professor at Paris Polytechnic Institute and ENSAE.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Cornell University. His areas of specialization are labour economics, Economics of Education, Micro-econometrics and structural behavioral economics. He studies the dynamics of schooling decisions, the effect of higher education financial aid, the importance of cognitive and non-cognitive skills on life-cycle outcomes, and unemployment insurance and job search behavior. Most of his recent work uses structural microeconometric models.

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CIRANO Publications by Christian Belzil

As an author

1 to 5 of 19 results

Le soutien financier aux études postsecondaires a-t-il un impact sur les choix des jeunes ?

Christian Belzil and Julie Pernaudet

Human Capital, Skills, Education and Social Policies

Les effets à court et moyen terme du soutien financier aux étudiants au Québec et dans le reste du Canada

Christian Belzil and Julie Pernaudet

Education and Social Policies

The evolution of inequality in education trajectories and graduation outcomes in the US

Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen and Xingfei Liu

Inequality and Distribution of Income and Education

CIRANO Projects

The effect of the cost of higher education on the choice of scientific and quantitative fields of study in Quebec and Canada

L’effet du coût des études supérieures sur les choix de filières stratégiques, scientifiques et mathématiques au Québec et au Canada - Publié le March 4, 2025

Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen, Julie Pernaudet

Modeling of cognitive and non-cognitive determinants of pathway choice and their impact on the initial phase of the professional cycle

Les déterminants cognitifs et non-cognitifs du choix de filière et leur impact sur la phase initiale du cycle professionnel - Publié le May 21, 2024

Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen, Julie Pernaudet, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Labour Market

Dropouts in Quebec and the rest of Canada: results and public policy simulations

Le décrochage scolaire au Québec : Résultats et simulation de politiques - Publié le August 27, 2021

Jörgen Hansen, Christian Belzil, Arezoo Banihashem, Raphael Jananji


The long-term effects of student financial assistance

Les effets à court et moyen terme du soutien financier aux étudiants au Québec et dans le reste du Canada - Publié le October 23, 2023

Christian Belzil, Raicho Bojilov, Julie Pernaudet

Education, Human Capital

Future to Discover (FTD)

Christian Belzil, Raicho Bojilov, Julie Pernaudet
